The Geoarchaeology Laboratory is located in Barrow Hall 14. It is primarily a sedimentological and and pedological laboratory with analytical facilities to include particle-size determination and petrologic analysis using an Olympus stereo-microscope for hand samples and thin sections. More detailed petrographic microscopic analysis is done using an Olympus B20 research microscope located in GG307. The Laboratory has access to elemental and mineralogic analytical instrumentation such as a JEOL electron microprobe capable of EDS and WDS located in the GG Building. A Bruker X-ray diffractometer is located in GG building as well. These instruments are regularly utilized by the Geoarchaeology Laboratory in its research projects. Other instrumentation, for marine geoarchaeological research, includes a Humminbird digital side scan SONAR as well as a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) capable of being deployed from small boats or shore. The lab has access to soil sampling equipment to include foot-augers; bucket augers and a “cryoprobe” using liquid nitrogen as it coolant. The Lab has access to a Giddings Soil Probe maintained by the Department of Geography. A suite of shallow geophysical instrumentation is maintained by the Laboratory to include magnetic, electrical – resistivity and conductivity - as well as ground radar equipment. The Lab has licensed software packages to process the geophysical data acquired by these various sensors