Associate Professor, Dr. Bram Tucker, along with co-authors: Erik J. Ringen from Emory University's Department of Anthropology, Tsiazonera from the Department of History at Université de Toliara, Jaovola Tombo, Patricia Hajasoa, Soanahary Gerard, and Angelah Halatiana Garcon from the Department of Geography at Université de Toliara, and Rolland Lahiniriko from the Department of Malagasy Language, Civilization, and Letters at Université de Toliara recently had an article published, titled, "Ethnic Markers without Ethnic Conflict: Why do Interdependent Masikoro, Mikea, and Vezo of Madagascar Signal their Ethnic Differences?" The article was published in Human Nature, a journal focused on "advancing the interdisciplinary investigation of the biological, social, and environmental factors that underlie human behavior." Read the full article here. Read More: Ethnic Markers without Ethnic Conflict